
Rural Anthropology Research Laboratory

Scientific projects in rural culture and people

Rural Anthropology

Scientific Research Laboratory

Rural Anthropology
Research Laboratory

Research projects to understand, document, and present rural worlds from the cultural and sociological points of view.

Research Projects

Research Project

Rural Culture


  • O1 – To conceptualize, understand, and present the rural culture with systems thinking research tools. 
  • O2 – To research the links and gaps between culture and civilization concepts and systems. 
  • O3 – To frame the innovation and policy system within rural culture and anthropology. 

Research Project

Rural People


  • O1 – To conceptualize, understand, and present the rural people and communities with systems thinking research tools. 
  • O2 – To research the links and gaps between the societal dimensions of the rural systems in the anthropological context. 
  • O3 – To frame the innovation and policy system within rural anthropology. 

Research Project

Visual Narratives


  • O1 – To discover and present rural stories in both artistic and scientific ways. 
  • O2 – To build anthropological evidence based on rural visual narratives. 
  • O3 – To frame the innovation and policy system within rural material and imaterial patrimony. 

Research Project



  • O1 – To discover and present neoruralism in both artistical and scientific ways. 
  • O2 – To build anthropological evidence for the neoruralism narratives. 
  • O3 – To frame the innovation and policy system within neorural systems.